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Bully Proof

By Sandra Kluck

Illustrated by Heather Majors


It’s Emma’s first day of school and she’s nervous about riding the school bus. She finds friends on the bus and learns all sorts of new things. For instance she learns how to turn the word “boy” into a face of a boy. When she learns to read in 1st grade, she discovers many new words on the bus that are not in her textbooks. As she starts second grade, she wonders what she will learn next. She soon finds out.

This is an uplifting tale that explores themes of bullying and confidence and emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself, confronting bullies, and seeking solutions to problems. An early reader suitable for ages 5-8.


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Born to Responsibility

Remembering New York’s Little Mothers


By Robert J. Hooper

This is a beautiful account of how a society woman rallied her friends in 1890 to help a thoroughly neglected segment of the tenement poor — those little girls as young as 7 years old who were charged to look after their younger siblings while their mothers went to work in the factories. They were known as Little Mothers and their days were grim until these gallant women swept in and brought a little happiness into their lives. It is incredible what an impact a determined woman can make! Many historical photographs and information from primary sources are included.




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The Christian Symbols of the Twelve Days of Christmas


By ML Brei

Is it Seven swans a-swimming? And ten lords a-leaping?

We sing the song The Twelve Days of Christmas with exuberance and pizazz! We laugh as we try to remember each refrain. This is a song of merriment that reflects the joy of the season. Yet what if it were more? What if each gift secretly conveys a secret code?

In this little book, you will be introduced to each of the Twelve Days by following a group of faithful women who used this song as an inspiration for performing acts of kindness during Twelvetide. Discover the Christian symbols of each of the gifts as you enjoy beautiful works of art, meditations, and prayers that are interwoven through the days of Twelvetide. This is a perfect gift for everyone!


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Forever Stage IV

One Woman’s Journey with ALK+ Lung Cancer

By Millie Lintell

Lung cancer — it’s a beast! Fairy tales could be written about this horrible creature. This book, however, is not a fairy tale. It is the true story of a woman about to embark on a scenic long-distance hike — in England along the Dales Way– only to find herself clutching to the rails of a leaky boat, riding the rough seas of a terminal cancer diagnosis. Unfortunately she is prone to seasickness and a fear of deep water. Not only must she fight off the beast who has her in its clutches, but she also must face the deep waters of her soul. She bravely wields the weapons handed to her by doctors to keep the beast at bay while she fights off her inner demons with the aid of heroes who lift her up and hold her high. Does she win these battles? You must read the book to find out. But here is a hint, she has faith and she believes in miracles.


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By ML Brei


A Different Type of Soul


By ML Brei

Revolution is in the air. It is 1981 in America, at the brink of ushering in the new Personal Computer age.

This is a story of young men and women who are impassioned to be the ones to make this happen.

Introducing young engineers, Heinrich and Dieter, called upon to be on a special team of carefully selected men and women to produce, in record time, the world’s first Personal Computer. This is top-secret work. The engineers, squirreled away in dark recesses are determined to win.

There are complications: a woman who misses her man; a man who is running as fast as he can; a woman hiding from her man; a man who must come out of hiding; a woman in pursuit, and a man who safeguards secrets. And watching it all? A woman in high heels who specializes in intangibles; she keeps close her notebook and pen, connecting the dots.


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The von Neumann Boutique

The Story of a Mirror that Reflects Parallel Processing

By Anneliese Brei

Imagine a world with intelligent robots.  How would they narrate their own story? Open the pages of The von Neumann Boutique to discover an upscale clothing boutique run by robots and patronized by loyal customers who embrace the technology and are happy to rely upon the robots’ expertise to find the right outfits

In this futuristic novel, you’ll encounter a unique perspective from the robots’ worldview. They process natural language, move with dexterity, and coordinate their actions with one another via parallel processing. Their personalities are unexpected. Some are friendly, others impossible. Some fall in love.

This is more than an entertaining story. This novel presents an innovative technique of narration developed by the author to introduce computer science concepts in a fun and relatable way.

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By Rob Hooper


Finding Grace

Meandering Through the Life and Writings of Grace Duncan Hooper

By Robert J. Hooper

Who would have known?

Just before the turn of the 20th century, a girl named Grace was born into a prominent New York society family.  Yet Grace did not grow up to be the average, humdrum society girl that one would expect. With a formidable mother as a role-model, Grace embraced life in its many forms. Using wit and humor and a gentle and kind hand, she lived a meaningful life full of twists and turns and very modern moments.

In this delightful biography, we see how she devoted herself to myriad avant-garde pursuits, such as championing support for tenement girls or hosting up-and-coming poets such as Langston Hughes in a little cafe of her own called “The Shipwreck Inn.” Now, what 25-year-old calls her cafe The Shipwreck Inn?  Perhaps one who also writes an award-winning three-act play that passionately portrays the tragic love affair of Dido and Aeneas. Or one who writes sublime poetry.

This lovely volume is illustrated with period photographs and includes excerpts from Grace’s written works as well as a vivid portrait of the life of an unusual City Girl in the early twentieth century. She was truly one of a kind.

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By Anneliese Brei


The Song of Paquita

By Anneliese Brei

Meet Tilly-Schatze, a rising star in the world of ballet.

She is a strong and independent 17-year-old with all of the qualities to succeed. She knows what she wants and is willing to work hard to make it happen. Ballet is her life and she won’t let anything interfere, until the unspeakable happens and she falls…

Enter the world of Tilly-Schatzi. Meet unruffable Eli, the eccentric Huntingtons, practical Mrs. Patrick, and other compelling figures who unfortunately for Tilly-Schatze don’t share her dreams.


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By Terry McKinney


Working with Porcupines

24 Ways to Sharpen Your Management Style

By Terry “Mack” McKinney

Seeking a healthy work/life balance?

Don’t let porcupine-like people cause major problems in your career or life. Learn what to do when the boss is wrong. Know when to leave a difficult workplace. Become an expert at dealing with difficult, prickly people. Working with Porcupines gives you 24 hard-won lessons-learned and hundreds of practical tips on working with every type of person and being an outstanding leader and manager!



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